Fairview, Texas Where Community Meets Opportunity
March 21, 2023

Lovejoy ISD Board of Directors Meet for Workshop

Lovejoy ISD Board of Directors Meet for Workshop

Loveyjoy's Board of Directors recently held a workshop on March 20, 2023. Below is a summary of the workshop provided by the District.

Consider and Act on the Director of Safety and Security

The Board voted to approve the change of Casey Littlefields' title from Head of Safety and Security to Director of Safety and Security. This change more accurately reflects the role's responsibilities and is responsive to the increased focus of both the state and District on safety and security. Fiscal implications for  2022-2023 and 2023-2024 are addressed through the recent security grant received by the District.

Master Scheduling Study Update Presentation 

As we plan for next school year, our District is facing three challenges. 

  •         Maintaining Our Legacy of Excellence 
  •         Teacher and Staff Retention, Recruitment, and Support
  •         Funding Challenges

 The District is studying master schedules because they represent our most important asset and resource in serving our students, teachers, and time. An unprecedented number of educators are leaving the profession, and there has been a significant decrease in new teachers going into the field.   Additionally, each scheduling option has specific staffing requirements which impacts our District budget.  

 The five models that were studied include:

  •         8 Period Day (middle and high school)
  •         7 Period Day (middle and high school)
  •         Block Scheduling (middle and high school)
  •         Four-Day Student Instructional School Week 
  •         Extended Planning Days in the Calendar

Unless there is financially unfavorable legislation that results from this legislative session, the District will continue to operate on an 8-period day at both Willow Springs Middle School and Lovejoy High School for the 2023-2024 school year. Block scheduling is not a consideration due to the increased cost. The four-day school week is also no longer under consideration for 2023-2024. The District is continuing to study adding extended planning days to the calendar. The study has included opportunities for staff and parent input.

Research on the impact of the classroom teacher on student learning and future success was shared. Central office leadership and campus principals provided information on the demands on teacher time, teacher time spent outside of contract days and hours, and challenges they are facing with recruitment.

 Next steps include a:

  • parent and staff survey
  • another parent informational meeting on March 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the library of the Lovejoy Child Development Center
  • another meeting of the Financial Sustainability Committee and LOVEJOY 2030 Strategic Planning Committee

An administrative recommendation will be brought forward to the Board of Trustees at either the March 27 or April 11 meeting. 

Technology and Instructional Materials Presentation 

An inventory and assessment of instructional resources and technology has identified needs. Identified technology needs include replacement of common area audio visual enhancements (cafeterias, gyms, and auditorium), student devices, staff devices, and infrastructure refresh. Administration has identified approximately $1,480,000 is required to address needed upgrades and devices.  

Additionally, gaps exist with instructional resources for identified courses and grade levels. The administration shared that in order to make instructional resources accessible to students and staff, an estimated $432,600 is needed to purchase resources. Administration will bring a recommendation forward at the March 27 Board Meeting for purchase of these items from bond funds. 

Use of Bond Funds and Capital Needs Presentation

Deborah Cabrera, Interim CFO, provided a presentation on the use of the remaining Bond Funds and Capital Needs from the $5M Series 2021 issue. A total of $2,770,000 funds remaining was identified to be spent on instructional materials, technology equipment and infrastructure, software, football helmets, cafeteria tables, custodial and maintenance equipment, and the facility assessment study.

Program Restructure Presentation

Reduction in Force: Program Change Board Policy DFFB (LOCAL)

The administration recommended and the Board approved a Reduction in Force: Program Change. If approved, the programmatic changes will be directly related to areas or departments that can become more efficient through a restructure. The program changes will be identified by position.   These changes would allow the District to reallocate funds while maximizing student opportunities. We anticipate less than 10 positions would be impacted by the RIF: Program Change. Depending on the identified program changes and the positions in those departments or areas, there could be a  possible savings of $300,000 or more. The positions for consideration will be brought forward to the Board at the March 27 meeting.

During the 2021-2022 school year, the Board of Trustees identified priorities (employee compensation, fund balance, attendance, and enrollment). Additionally, the District implemented the following:

  • Staffing Efficiency Study
  • Demographic Study
  • Capacity Analysis
  • Salary Study 
  • Zero-Based Budgeting 
  • Formation of Financial Sustainability Committee
  • Implementation of Three Year Budget Projection 

For the 2022-2023 school year

  • Staffing Efficiencies through Attrition  
  • Zero-Based Budgeting for 2023-2024
  • Master Scheduling Committee
  • Demography & Student Projection Review
  • Review Campus Master Schedules
  • Review Department Responsibilities

*Non-exhaustive list of actions

The staffing efficiencies accomplished from the 2021-2022 school year to the 2022-2023 school year were done through staff attrition, and there was not a formal reduction in force. 

Please note that staffing numbers can fluctuate based on the number of open positions at the time data is gathered.

*Reduction in Force: Program Changes

** Reduction through attrition

This blog post is not intended to be comprehensive or take the place of official board meeting minutes. Board meeting and workshop minutes will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees for consideration of approval at the next regular board meeting. 

For more detailed information, stakeholders are encouraged to view the Board Meeting Recordings and access the documents published in the Board Book