Lori Satterwhite has found both her professional calling and the place she and her family are happy to call home. After being diagnosed with multiple autoimmune disorders as a young mother, Lori, a Texas A&M graduate, began searching for solutions and even returned to school, eventually obtaining certification as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and founding her holistic nutrition practice, Fueled 4 Life. Today, she is “about 98 percent symptom-free” and helps others transform their own health from the inside out with a focus on nutrient-dense properly prepared food as a foundation for healing. Lori has moved 33 times in her life, but she and her husband, Greg, also an entrepreneur, and their two children have lived in Fairview, Texas for nearly 10 years — the longest she has lived anywhere.

“We started searching for “THE place” (to settle down). My husband envisioned a place to raise our kids with trees and a little land, and I wanted to be near shopping and restaurants. We kept coming back to Fairview, Texas.”